Causes of a common cold
There are over 200 viruses known to cause colds. This means that as soon as you recover from a cold, another cold can hit you by another virus. These known viruses are grouped into two, Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses. Each group of viruses causes different types of colds with slightly different conditions.
The viruses that cause a cold attack the lining of the nose and throat, inflaming these areas. As they become inflamed, they begin to produce more mucus, resulting in a runny nose and sneezing.
How is a cold spread?
Colds can also spread through direct and indirect contact.
Here is how:
If a person with cold coughs or sneezes into the air, you can catch the virus if you breathe in that contaminated air. This is because tiny droplets of fluid containing the cold virus are launched into the air, making the air contaminated.
If you sneeze onto a door handle, or into your palms, everything you touch may be contaminated with the cold virus, exposing the virus to others. Examples include..

A contagious person (person with cold) will have the virus days before the signs show. This means you can spread the virus days before you know you have a cold. However, it is a know fact that the virus is most contagious after 2 days of seeing the symptoms.
