Sickle-cell Disease
Have you heard someone say he or she is a sickler? Have you also seen someone in sickling crises? Sometimes it is very disturbing to see friends in severe pain over something that’s not their fault. Some people even think that people who suffer the effects of
sickle cell do not live for long. This is not very true.
Sickle cell disease is the most common of the hereditary blood disorders. It occurs almost exclusively among black Americans and black Africans.
Every one has a good chance of living fulfilling lives as long as you know your health condition and do the right things to keep healthy.
Now let's get down to what sickle cell is all about!
What is Sickle-cell?
Sickle cell disease is a disease of the blood. It is inherited. It results (or can result) in serious infections, chronic anaemia and damage to body organs. Sometimes the pains from sickle-cell can last a few days, whiles others are hospitalized for weeks and months.
With advancements in early diagnosis and treatment, most babies born with this disorder grow up to live relatively healthy and productive lives.
Sickle cell disease usually be diagnosed at birth with a newborn blood screening tests. Babies with sickle cell disease are at an increased risk of infection and other health complications.
It is therefore very important that new babies are tested and given the needed medical attention immediately.