Important Overpopulation Terminology


Underpopulation, also known as under-inhabitation, occurs when a location has fewer people than can be supported by its space, economic, and natural resources over some time.

Population Density:

The number of inhabitants living in a specific area. High population density means more people live in a specific area size, and low population density means fewer people live in that same area size. For example, 100 people per square kilometer would be a higher density area compared to 40 people per square kilometer.

Can you guess what the terms Densely Populated and Sparsely Populated mean?


The number of people leaving the community or coming into that community within that period.

Crude birth/death rates:

The crude birth rate refers to the number of live births per 1,000 individuals in a specific area over a year. It is called “crude” because it is a raw or unrefined measurement. Similarly, the crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals in a given area during one year.


This is the study of human populations (statistics, distribution, composition, birth and death rates, etc). A scientist who studies demography is called a Demographer.

Population increase:

The total increase in the number of people (or species) resulting from the combined effect of births, deaths, and migration over a given period. Population decrease is the opposite of this.

Population Pyramid:

This is a chart (usually a vertical bar chart) showing the distribution (make-up) of a population by age and gender. The pyramid shows males on the left and females on the right and young age groups at the top.