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High Blood Pressure prevention tips.

As discussed earlier, because there is no concrete causes of hypertension, total prevention is almost impossible. However, a good understanding of the risk factors, as discussed earlier, will greatly minimise any chances of you getting a complication from High Blood Pressure.

Here are a few things a person can do:

hypertensin pointEat healthy food, rich in fibre, fruit and vegetable.
Cut down on fat, sugar and salt. Check out our lesson on Obesity for a great suggestion of what to have on your food plate. That will help control your weight too.

hypertensin pointExercise regularly.
prevent hypertension
Keep your heart in good condition by having regular exercise. This will also help the body burn extra fat and help you stay in good weight. Look for something you like to do, swimming, beach-volley, dancing or running. Get rest after a good work out.

hypertensin pointQuit Smoking & Drinking.
Stay away from smoking. If you already smoke, consider a quitting program to join. Reduce alcohol intake.

hypertensin pointReduce caffeine intake.

Reduce the coffee, tea, soda, cola and all the energy drinks that people drink. A bit of coffee and tea as part of a healthy diet is always great, but in moderation. Sugary and energy drinks does a person more harm than good.

In all the above, you will notice that taking care of your health (and blood pressure) is all about lifestyles. As a young person, it is very easy to think that it is ok to eat and drink anything. What you eat now will determine how your health will be as an adult. Make the right choices today.

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