- Discrimination and Prejudice
Dealing with Discrimination
Discrimination is something that can have blur barriers. Sometimes it can be difficult to prove that you have been discriminated at. For example, you were dropped from your school’s music team and replaced by another student. It could be that that person has some additional skills that are needed for the common good of the team. It may be a reasonable action even though an individual may see that in another light. Some people are quick to make conclusions about racial discrimination or feel threatened by any little thing.

The baseline is that no one deserves to be treated less than other humans, and no one should put up with it. Here are some ideas for dealing with discrimination:
Be sure that there is a case of discrimination. Make sure you document the event and what was said to you or done to you. Do not wait as you may lose the memory of the actions and words used against you.
Speak to a senior person. (Your parents, teacher or headteacher, manager at work, or a supervisor at the restaurant, or any person in authority at the place of the incident). Politely make your case and trust that they will take it up. Follow it up and ensure that the issue is resolved and that the culprit is aware of the consequences if it happened again. Forgive the person and try not to have any hate in your heart for the person.
Speak to a law enforcement officer if you feel the case is a serious one that needs serious attention. Do not be quiet about it. Let your parents help you make the right choices about what to do.
Tips for parents:
Look out for these signs in your children as they often hint that they are experiencing discrimination or bullying at school: anger, quietness, withdrawal, Not wanting to go to school, fear of walking home alone, damaged or lost possessions.