- Kinds of energy
All about energy
What is Energy?
Look around you. Is anything moving?
Can you hear, see or feel anything? Sure, and that is because something is making something happen, and most probably, there is some power at work. This power or ability to make things happen is what we can call energy. It makes things happen. It makes change possible.
Look at the sketch below to see an example of things working, moving, or happening — with energy.

Energy moves cars along the roads and makes airplanes fly. It plays our music on the radio, heats our rooms, and lights our homes. Energy, is needed for our bodies, together with plants to grow and animals to move about.
Scientists define ENERGY as the ability to do work.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
With the above explanation in mind, let us learn more.
Energy can be (is) stored or transferred from place to place, or object to object in different ways. There are various kinds of energy.
Let’s start by looking at kinetic energy