Cancer signs and symptoms
When cancer's found at an early stage, treatment is often easier and more likely to be successful. So finding cancer sooner rather than later can make a real difference.

Illustration of some common areas that cancer
usually forms
Symptoms of cancer vary based on the type of cancer. As cancer progresses to an advanced stage, common symptoms can include weight loss, fever, and fatigue. Look out for these:
An unusual lump or swelling anywhere on your body
Unusual and unexplained heavy sweating at night
Unexplained weight loss
A change in the size, shape or colour of a patch of skin
A sore that’s not healing for many weeks
Tongue or mouth sore that’s lasted for more than 3 weeks
Throat and Neck
An unusual swelling or lump
A croaky, rough voice that is lasting for many weeks
Difficulty in swallowing
Unexplained coughing for more that three weeks
Coughing up blood
Blood in urine
Problems passing urine
(ladies) Bleeding from the vagina after sex, after menopause or between periods
Bottom Area
Blood in your bowel motions
A noticeable change or frequency in bowel motions
