What is depression for young people ESchooltoday Home, All Lessons
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Helping yourself and others with depression.

Depression affects your entire physical and mental well-being. Sometimes you are not in control of yourself anymore. This means it can be difficult to get help for yourself, or to apply some of the suggestions we have offered below. If your condition is mild, and can help yourself, the suggestions below can make you get better quicker. BUT remember it is always a great idea to speak to your doctor as well, and not to solely rely on our materials for your health solutionshelping people with depression Helping yourself

depression factThe first thing is to recognize that positive thinking and having a can do, positive attitude to everything is key. This makes you win even before you start. This way, you are mentally prepared to deal with other things that can distract you.

depression factExercise often. Try to start a regular sport or exercise, basketball, running, learn swimming, biking or even gardening. You can also join a charity or volunteer programme to keep you busy and occupied.

depression factIf you have trouble at work, burdened with a task, or the magnitude of your To-do list is overwhelming, try breaking down things into small achievable tasks, and try to get them done one after the other.

depression factHealing is not sudden. It will take time. So, try to relax and go about your choices gradually and steadily and you shall come out stronger.

Helping others

Usually extremely depressed people cannot help themselves and may need the intervention of others. If you find the symptoms discussed earlier in your friends and family, here are a few things you can do:

depression factTalk to them — Gain their trust and confidence and try to let them know that it is not well with them, but it is OK and help is available. If you know their mom or dad or closer relatives or friends, you can tell them to get involved too. Finally get their doctor or school nurse informed so that they can get medical help in place.

depression factThese days, everyone is overwhelmed with things to do and there is very little time for us all. But try to make time for your friends and family who need you. It is important to remember that good health is most important and comes first. Helping others  mean you can also get help when you also need help one day.

depression factWatch them for suicide — Over 90% of suicide cases in UK are linked to mental disorders. It is therefore important that you do not ignore people who need help. Keep a close eye on them and make sure they are getting the needed help. Because they are not in control of themselves, we have to think for them and help them.


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