Landslide prone areas

Places and location that may be prone to landslides include the following:


Slopes, the bottom of slopes, and canyons are examples of locations that may be prone to landslides and mudflows. Southern California, for example, has many steep slopes and weak rocks, making those areas a great location for landslides. Regions with more seismic activity or earth movements are also locations that may be prone to landslides. Seismic activity causes disturbances in the land and breaks up the bedrock. Areas with high rainfall amounts and slopes are also great conditions for landslides.

Human activity:

Human activities such as mining, building, and road construction have often exposed the land and slopes to landslides. When roads cut through hills, tunnels are dug, or crops are farmed along slopes, there is always the risk of landslides and mudflows. Wildfires and deforestation also make a location prone to landslides.

Frequency of landslide events:

Anywhere that there has been a mudslide or landslide is an area that is prone to it. Chances are, it will happen again because the conditions for it to happen may still be present.