- Drugs Abuse
Introduction to drug use and drug abuse
It is almost impossible to cover this lesson in detail, as Drug Abuse is a big issue with many components. In this lesson, we will just focus on the basics of drugs/substance abuse, how it affects you, and what we can do about it.
The problem of drug use and abuse is not a new one. For many centuries, individuals and families have suffered the consequences of drug abuse. Many young people who had bright futures have fallen to the horrible effects of drug abuse. Many young sportspeople, music talents, and performers have unfortunately gotten hooked. Today, because of easy access to drugs and the pressure on people to be successful in their professions, the drug abuse situation seems even more widespread than ever before.
What is a Drug:
A drug is a general term for any substance that changes the physical, emotional, and mental function of the body. They include tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, over-the-counter medicines, prescribed medicines as well as illicit drugs. These substances are known as Psychoactive Drugs and can change the consciousness, mood, feeling, behavior, and thoughts of the user.
Are Drug Illegal:
Not all drugs are illegal. If you buy an over-the-counter cough suppressant in the shop, it is legal, though it can also be abused. Drugs may be legal in one country, region, state, or city, but illegal in another. You need to know what your country’s laws on drugs are.
Drug types:
There are different kinds of drugs that do different things. The four major kinds include stimulants, depressants, opium/pain killers, and hallucinogens.