What is Saving Energy?

Just a century ago, humans used very little energy because we had less of the things that use up energy. There were no computers, phones, TV, cars, lights, washing machines and all that. After the industrial revolution, people started using a lot more manufactured items such as electronics, automobiles, and home appliances.

These items use a lot of energy, but if we all cut our energy use by half, that would be huge savings.
Saving energy can be achieved in a couple of ways: 1.Energy conservation, 2.Energy Efficiency, and 3.Recycling. These first two are not the same, even though people often use them to mean the same thing.

Energy Conservation:
That is the practice that results in less energy being used. For example, turning the taps, computers, lights, and TV off when not in use.

It also includes running in the park or outside instead of running on the treadmill in the gym.

Energy conservation is great because we can all do this everywhere and anytime. It is a good behavior we must acquire.

Did you know:
1. Up to 25% of heat loss is through windows. Plastic window covers can help reduce drafts.
2. 85 to 90% of the energy used to wash clothes goes to heating water

Energy Efficiency
That is the use of manufacturing techniques and technology to produce things that use less energy for the same result. For example, if a heater is designed to warm your home with less energy than regular heaters, that would be an energy-efficient heater. If your washing machine uses less energy to do the same job as other washers, that is an energy-efficient washer.

Homes built after 2000 are about 30% bigger, but there use less energy than older homes. Source: US EIA survey: RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION SURVEY (RECS)

That involves the use of waste or old materials to make new ones. For example, we can collect all old newspapers from the town at the end of every day and turn the papers into fresh paper for printing again. We can collect all plastic bottles and send them to be used for new plastic bottles, or used for children’s plastic toys.

Recycling saves energy because less energy is used to recycle than to turn new raw materials into new products. That means to save energy, we need to use all these great ways. If we all try to do this, together we can save some money and use less natural resources too.

Our research for this topic included these sources:

1. EIA, Renewable Energy Explained (www.eia.gov/energyexplained/index.cfm?page=renewable_home)
2. USGS, ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuhy.html
3. Center For Climate And Energy Solutions, www.c2es.org/energy/source/renewables#Water
4. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The Myth of renewable energy, Dawn Stover, Nov 2011
5. United Nations Development Programme, Sustainable Energy (http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/environmentandenergy/focus_areas/sustainable-energy.html)
6. EDF Energy Futre: www.edfenergy.com/energyfuture/solar
7. NASA Science: science1.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2002/solarcells/
8. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. www.nrel.gov/

9. European Marine Energy Centre: www.emec.org.uk/marine-energy/wave-devices/
10. RenewableUK: www.renewableuk.com/en/renewable-energy/wave-and-tidal/
11. http://www.camecon.com/Libraries/Downloadable_Files/