Hurricane facts

How many hurricanes per year in the Atlantic?

The Atlantic Ocean’s hurricane season peaks from mid-August to late October and averages five to six hurricanes per year.


The danger of a hurricane is the flooding it brings. About 90% of the deaths that occur during hurricanes result from drowning in floods. The power of the water can rip apart even the strongest houses along its way.

Some most destructive hurricanes

Below are 5 of the most destructive hurricanes in the USA:

Storm Surge

Did you know that storm surges can get as high as 28ft? That is about 5 times the height of an average person.

Tropical Cyclones

Did you know that cyclones and hurricanes derive their energy from warm ocean surfaces with temperatures of over 26°C? In many cases, once they form, they can still sustain their power even if they drift to cooler water surfaces.

Most deadly tropical cyclone

The most deadly tropical cyclone ever recorded hit Bangladesh in 1970 killing approximately 300,000 people as a result of the storm surge. Many more died after a period of diseases and post-hurricane challenges.

Climate change

There are debates over the past decade on the impact of global warming and climate change on the numbers and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones. Many researchers think there is still no hard evidence, even though in recent times, environmental scientists have presented more convincing evidence. Surely this should be a great topic for a school debate… What do you think?


Our research for this topic included these sources:

CNN News, Weather Wiz Kids, National Hurricane Center (National Weather Service), FEMA /, BBC Animated guide: Hurricanes.,,, The Weather Channel, LLC,