- Reproduction
The male reproductive system
The male reproductive system includes the testes, prostate glands, sperm ducts, urethra, and penis (P).

Sperm duct
During mating, sperm cells that have been released pass through the sperm ducts.
There are two testes (one of them is called a testis). These are held in place by the scrotum (scrotal sacks). The scrotum is a bag of tough skin. The job of the testes is to produce millions of male cells called sperms and also to make male reproductive hormones. This is a simple diagram of how a sperm cell looks under a microscope. Sperm cells look a lot like tadpoles (under a microscope). During puberty, a boy’s hormones affect the way his body develops.
Prostate gland
The job of the prostate gland is to secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen. The mixture of sperm cells and fluids is called semen. The muscles of the prostate gland also help propel this seminal fluid through the urethra and into the female reproductive organ during mating.
The urethra
That is the tube inside the male organ that carries urine or semen. It is the continuing part of the sperm duct.
The penis
In simple terms, it is the body part hanging in front of every male which he pees with. The size of the organ differs a lot for growing boys because they develop differently. Its job is to pass urine out of the male body and to pass semen into the female organ during mating.