Special clouds

Many other cloud variations form by clouds mixing up or dispersed by wind action. Others are rare and can be seen only at night. Here are a few more that do not fit within the traditional ones we learned.


Have you ever seen an aircraft flying high in the sky with a trail of cloud following it? Those are contrails, and they are a type of cloud too. The exhaust of airplanes produce emissions such as *carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons such as methane, sulfates (SOx), and soot and metal particles.

Water vapor, both from the airplane and in the air, condense around these tiny particles, forming a trail of clouds. Some contrails last only for a short period whiles others last for days. Unlike other cloud types, contrails are human-induced because they are caused directly by flying airplanes.


Fog is a cloud on the ground, and they usually disappear when the sun is up and begins to warm the land surface. The four kinds of fog include radiation fog, advection fog, evaporation fog, and upslope fog. After a warm, sunny day, the land surface is heated, and the air over it is warm with a bit of water vapor. As temperatures fall at night, the surface heat radiates upwards and condenses as it meets cooler air above it. In industrial areas where the air has a lot more particulate matter, fog occurs more because the particles make it easier for the water droplets to form around it. As the sun comes up the next morning and the air warms up, the fog gradually disappears.


It is an awesome looking cloud, resembling a flying saucer or a stack of pancakes. It often forms close to a mountain peak when the fast-flowing wind is forced up and over it. If there is enough moisture at the mountain tops, the wind-waves cause the resulting clouds to take the shape of the wave.