Types of landforms

There are hundreds of landform types scattered all over the planet earth.
Some of them are more common and spectacular. Some also have very similar features and can be difficult telling which feature is what. Landforms are constantly being re-shaped, and sometimes not easy to tell what exactly one is.

We have selected a few basic landforms to discuss them in more detail.

A deep, narrow valley with very steep walls carved out by water erosion. Learn More

A piece of land (headland) extending from the coastline and into the sea. Learn More

This is all the lands that line the seas and oceans. They form the boundary between land and seas. The coastline includes the continental shelf. Learn More

Continental Shelf:
This is the land along the beaches with shallow waters over them. They can extend far into the sea up to where the continental slope begins. Learn More

A delta is a feature formed when rivers drop off sediments in low-lying areas, usually as they enter the ocean, sea, or an estuary.
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This is a dry region with very little or no rainfall. They also have very little or no vegetation at all. They have extreme night and day temperatures because of the absence of vegetative cover. Learn More

This is ice in motion along a slopy surface. The ice may break off and slide downhill under its weight or slide downhill as its underlying rock warms up and begins to melt. Learn More

A piece of land surrounded by water. An island is usually in the sea, but if it is in an inland water body, it is called an eyot. Learn More

This is a strip of land connecting two larger land areas. This strip separates two water bodies. Learn More

A massive, rocky highland with a pointed or rounded top extending hundreds of feet above its surrounding lands. A hill is not a mountain, as it is relatively smaller and has gentle slopes and round tops. Learn More

These are large areas of relatively flat land. A plain with a river that often floods its banks is called a floodplain. Learn More

A large highland with a flat top rising above its surrounding with steep slopes on at least one side. A plateau can be weathered and eroded down into a mesa and even further into a butte. Learn More

Sand Dune:
A dune is a mound of sand usually formed in windy areas with very little or no vegetation and with lots of sand. They are created from drifting sand grains. Learn More

A valley is a low-lying landmass (a depression) that is bounded by higher grounds, often mountains and hills. A valley can be the area at the foot of two mountains, but they can also run for many miles.
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